Asphalt Works

Royal Crown Construction is the most trusted seal coating and asphalt pavement maintenance company in Canada. Our company has been performing the highest quality work in the industry. We have knowledgeable experienced staff, state-of-the-art equipment, and the best environmentally friendly products to complete any residential or commercial job in a timely manner. We offer a full range of services to aid you in conquering any asphalt pavement maintenance need.

Parking Lots

If your parking lot is unpaved or needs repaving, your clients may get the wrong impression of your business. While a new asphalt parking lot is an investment, it’s one that’s incredibly affordable – especially compared to parking lots made with alternative materials. With a rich, black parking lot, you can add sophistication and attraction to your business. Plus, you and your clients won’t have to worry about driving over dirt, gravel, or damaged asphalt.

Asphalt Restorations

Potholes, cracks and  damaged surfaces can be annoying and unsafe making them a costly repair if not fixed. Unfortunately if left for lengthy periods of time, they tend to deteriorate further which leads to major repair work being required. Using specialized equipment and the appropriate asphalt, our experienced operators can implement a cost effective asphalt patch solution to rectify your damaged surface.


Royal Crown Construction has paved many community laneways for a group of neighbors or a private association.  We can pave the laneway with traditional asphalt, and we also offer a selection of natural rustic options.  We have experience handling the complexity that goes along having many involved parties and can usually help to streamline the process.

Get In Touch With Us To Discuss Your Project